Get the CODE – Team Escape Game

The Team Escape Game “Get the CODE” adapts to the wishes and needs of your team, whether indoors or outdoors. Because as the first Escape Game it is also possible outside. And if it’s storming, snowing or raining? Then it is simply moved... Read more

  • Duration icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    1 - 1,5 hours

  • Participants icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    10 - 1000 participants

  • Money icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    € 35 to € 50 pp. (excl. VAT)

  • Label icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    Team Learning, Indoor, Outdoor

  • Location icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    Baden-Wurttemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringia

  • Language icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    Possible languages: de, en

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About this team building

The Team Escape Game “Get the CODE” adapts to the wishes and needs of your team, whether indoors or outdoors. Because as the first Escape Game it is also possible outside. And if it’s storming, snowing or raining? Then it is simply moved indoors. This combines teamwork and puzzling with a good portion of movement.

The dream of a floating skateboard comes true! The technology company swoopeo is about to launch the new technology on the market when something unforeseeable happens. Can you and your colleagues avert disaster? Or will one of the other teams be better? Puzzles, quizzes and tasks can only be solved together – the opponent is time.

Like any other Escape Game, “Get the CODE” tells an exciting story. The team solves puzzles, quizzes and tasks. The only difference is that they don’t take place in a single room, but in an extensive area. This gets the team moving.

It is always about getting to know each other better, getting used to each other and working together smoothly. A team event is more than just having fun together. These experiences are consolidated with a reflection round and transferable to the everyday work life. The Our team trainers set valuable team impulses through target-oriented discussions.

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Image Get the CODE – Team Escape Game | TeambuildingGuide
Image Get the CODE – Team Escape Game | TeambuildingGuide
Image Get the CODE – Team Escape Game | TeambuildingGuide
Image Get the CODE – Team Escape Game | TeambuildingGuide
Image Get the CODE – Team Escape Game | TeambuildingGuide
Image Get the CODE – Team Escape Game | TeambuildingGuide
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